Deleting posts and post variations
Here are the step-by-step processes to delete posts and post-variations.
To delete one post variation:
- Click the post that has the variation you would like to delete.
- Select the variation to delete by clicking the social media icon. For example, clicking the ’X’ button will delete the Twitter post variation, while the Linkedin and Facebook variations will remain saved.
- Click the three dot action menu in the corner and select ‘Delete Variation.’
- Click ‘Delete.’
Note: Deleting one post's variation still leaves other variations intact.
To delete one post:
- Hover over the post that you’d like to delete.
- Click the three dots in the corner and select ‘Delete Entire Post.’ This means that the post and all its variations will be deleted.
- Click ‘Delete.’
To delete multiple posts:
- Select by clicking all the posts you want to delete.
- Click the ‘Actions’ button on the right and click ‘Delete.’
Key Tip: If you want to remove a post from a live toolkit but want to keep the copy for whatever reason, try unpublishing rather than deleting.