Learn to create a toolkit: ready-made posts your community can share to amplify your message.
Learn how to create a post on SoSha—shareable content with text, images, or videos for your community. Posts are organized into toolkits, making it easy to manage and distribute content online.
SoSha toolkits are customizable collections of pre-designed social media posts that enable individuals to share your organization's messaging across their networks.
Learn how to customize your toolkit’s appearance through the main banner displayed on the top of your published toolkit.
Learn how to track and analyze the performance of your individual toolkits, including metrics like unique visitors, shares, clicks, and social network performance.
Adding posts from a toolkit to a website is a great way to amplify the number of shares your toolkit generates. We’ve seen partners add posts at the bottom of important news announcements, blog posts, petitions, and more! Make sure your toolkit is published in order to embed a post.
Discover how to edit, publish, customize, transfer, duplicate, and archive your toolkits.